Board Vacancies

Laramie County Community Juvenile Service Joint Powers Board

2 Terms, 3- Year term, No Term Limits, Meets Regularly each month


Cheyenne-Laramie County Board of Health

1 Term, 5- Year term, Two Term Limit, Meets Regularly each month


Laramie County Recreation Planning and Advisory Board

5 Terms, 5- Year term, No Term Limits, Meets Regularly each month


Weed and Pest Control Board

3 Terms, 4- Year term, No Term Limits, Meets Regularly each month


If you are interested in applying for any Boards, please fill out the attached application form and turn into the Human Resources office at 310 W. 19 St, Suite 140, Cheyenne WY 82001 at least 2 months prior to the term expiration dates.

You may apply using the following methods…

  • You must submit an application via email, mail, or at the Human Resources.
Applications are accepted for current openings only! We do not accept applications on an ongoing basis.