Duties as a Juror

If you are chosen for Jury duty these are some things you need to know:

  • There are two terms of court, each lasting six months. The Fall Term begins the first Monday in October, and the Spring term begins the fourth Monday in March.
  • Jurors are selected from the registered voter list and drivers license registration.
  • Jury service is one of the most important civic obligations that a citizen has the opportunity to perform.
  • Jury trials are generally set to begin at 9:00am and recesses at 5:00pm with an hour and one-half for lunch. In most cases the trial will last from 1 1/2 to 2 days. The court tries not to infringe on too much of your time, however you will probably be asked to report two or three times a month. You will be paid at the end of your jury service $30.00 for each day that you have reported or served.
  • Excusal from jury service has been set by the Legislature and you cannot be excused for a trivial cause, hardship, or inconvenience to your business. Excusal can be requested in writing for the following reasons:
    1. When there would be material injury or destruction to property of the individual serving.
    2. Personal poor health of a family member in your care.
    3. Mother of small children or either parent responsible for the care of small child.
    4. If you are the age of 72 years or older. (REQUEST MUST BE IN WRITING)
    5. A salaried and active member of an organized fire or law enforcement agency.
    6. A person convicted of a felony.
    7. An elected public official.

The First Judicial District Court will consider pre-scheduled vacations or doctor appointments. Submit request in writing with as much detail as possible. 

Jurors may park in the George Cox Parking facility on the second or third level.

Juror service will take place at the Laramie County Government Complex which is a secured building and requires everyone going to the third floor to be checked through the security desk.

Jury service is nearly always an inconvenience and at times you may find it the most serious, most troublesome work you have ever done. However, we sincerely believe that you will find it rewarding, as well as an interesting and educational experience.

Cell phones are NOT allowed upstairs in the courthouse so please leave them at home or in your car.