Assessment Schedules for Tax Year 2024 Mailed Today

Published on April 10, 2024




For Immediate Release:

Date: 4/10/2024

From: Todd Ernst

Number: 633-4307

Location: County Assessor

Assessment Schedules for Tax Year 2024 Mailed Today

LARAMIE COUNTY, WY- According to Laramie County Assessor Todd Ernst, “Properties throughout Wyoming are assessed to the owner of record and valued as they existed as of January 1st each year.

The Assessor’s office has the statutory responsibility for determining the current fair market value of taxable property annually. The level of assessment is set by statute and the mill levy is based on budget requests from various taxing entities (school districts, fire districts, etc.). Mill levies for 2024 will not be set until August. Statute requires the Assessor to use the prior year mill levies to calculate an estimated tax for comparison.

Tax notices for this year reflecting the actual amount of taxes will be mailed in September from the Laramie County Treasurer. Those notices also reflect the breakout of how tax dollars are distributed. Ernst stated, “Property owners should review the amount noted as “Total Valuation Used to Calculate Tax” and determine if it is the approximate value of their property if sold January 1, 2024. If they agree with the value, owners are not required to respond.” Property owners have the right to appeal against the market value stated on their assessment schedule; however, this must be done within 30 days of the mail date on the assessment schedule. For 2024, the deadline is May 10th.

Upon a request for review, staff will review the characteristic information for the property with the owner to ensure the information is accurate. Onsite inspections will be coordinated with the owner. Sales information that was used to determine the market value of their property will be provided. It is only during the 30-day period that access to this information is granted per Wyoming statute(s), and only by personally visiting the Assessor’s office.

During this review, the property owner should provide any information they would like to have considered such as an appraisal, market analysis, special conditions or influences they feel may affect the property value.

Mr. Ernst reminds Wyoming Veterans the deadline for applying for their property exemption is May 28h. If discharge papers and information necessary to qualify for the exemption have previously been provided, notification may be done by calling the office.

For more information, contact the Assessor’s office located on the first floor of the County Governmental Complex, 309 West 20th St., or call 633-4307. Additional information about the assessment process can be obtained at: (under County Assessor).




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