Oil and Gas

Information for the General Public:

Well Location Maps:
Check out oil well permit locations on our new MapServer. Click the Well Head layer box to view permit locations. (The data is updated on a weekly basis).
Laramie County Oil and Gas Map(PDF, 3MB) (Updated monthly.)

National Fracking Policy Letters:
Laramie County Commissioners(PDF, 1015KB)
Wyoming County Commissioners Association(PDF, 773KB)

Information Links:
Southeast Wyoming Niobrara Oil Development Information(PDF, 315KB)
WYOGCC Update on Niobrara Shale Oil Activity (March, 2011)(PDF, 2MB)
Southeast Wyoming Oil Impact Workshop (Oct., 2010)(PDF, 50KB)
Landowners Guide to Split Estates(PDF, 4MB)
Landowner Guidelines for Negotiating a Mineral Lease or Surface Agreement
UW Hydraulic Fracturing Forum Speaker Presentations (Sept. 2011)

Other Agency Links:
WY Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) (To report a spill, call 307-777-7781)
WY State Engineers Office (SEO)
Laramie County Conservation District


Laramie County Development Process:
All developers, including Oil and Gas Operators, must obtain a County-assigned site address prior to the start of construction of any access onto any right-of-way or construction of any primary structure (Section 2-2-126, Laramie County Land Use Regulations).

Step 1: Pre-Application Meeting
Call the Laramie County Planning and Development Office, (307) 633-4303, to schedule a pre-application meeting. The County has set aside Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. for Oil and Gas Applicants to meet with the Planning Dept., Public Works, and the Environmental Health Dept.. (Please try to schedule a pre-application meeting at least two days in advance of the Wednesday you'd like to meet so we can ensure all Departments can be present.)

Step 2: Complete the Application Package:
Whether or not the following permits are required will be determined at the pre-application meeting.

  1. Public Works Permits: Contact: Courtney Luhrsen 307-633-4695
  2. Planning & Development Office Permits:
  3. Env. Health Dept. Permits: Contact: Roy Kroeger roykehs@laramiecounty.com

    For more Env. Health Small Wastewater information, click here.

Step 3: Approvals
Laramie County has sequenced the approval process to ensure cross-department coordination.

  1. Public Works will issue an approved Access Permit once all Public Works requirements have been met.
  2. Planning Department-Certificate of Address: Once the Planning Department receives the approved PW access permit and all of the necessary Planning Department requirements have been met, the Planning Department will issue the Certificate of Address.
    1. Please post the address in a location that is clearly visible from the public right-of-way. If the wells are located on private internal roads please post the road name at the access point and post the well address at the well.
    2. Address Posting Requirements(PDF, 9KB) (6" in size and of reflective material)
    3. Sample of Proper Address Posting


  3. Environmental Health Department will approve the Commercial Waste water permit once the Certificate of Address is issued.

Many companies prefer to permit multiple well locations well in advance of rig move-in dates. As a courtesy, please inform all Departments when rigs are being moved to a new well pad. If haul routes are modified, please inform the Public Works Department of any changes.

Thank you for your cooperation.